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Family-oriented visit to the Scuola Grande di San Rocco

How it works: Jacopo Tintoretto is one of the greatest painters in 16-th century Europe. The Scuola Grande di San Rocco is the temple of his art.
With an interactive game, children will explore the great paintings by Tintoretto and listen to the stories of San Roque, Jesus and Mary

The visit includes: a guided tour of the Church of San Rocco and the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, adequate for a family audience

What children will like: the huge paintings by Tintoretto, the story of Roque and his dog, the monstrous faces sculpted by Francesco Pianta

What parents will like: to listen about the history of the plague in Venice, to interpret Tintoretto's paintings

What kids get in the end: an activity sheet that helps children to follow the educational path, a final gift!
Duration: 2 h
Fee (fino a 4 persone): 200 euros
Extras: 8 or 10 euros for the Scuola Grande di San Rocco
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